Communication Corps

Communication Corps is a cooperative organization under the Citizen Corps program that coordinates activities and interoperability between volunteer communication assets and organizations.  The organizations involved with Communication Corps are the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS), Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN), and Civil Air Patrol Communications (CAP).  Each of these organizations has certain supporting agencies and roles to play in emergency service, but all have one common goal.  They all are volunteer professionals in establishing communication circuits using radio technology.

This is the first program of its type in the nation.  Delaware Citizen Corps started this program in 2006 with the help of leadership in the volunteer communications service and DEMA.  Because of Communication Corps and its member organizations, amateur radio has become much more prevelent in disaster services.

New Castle County Citizen Corps Council is developing the first county Communication Corps Council in Delaware.  They will incorporate all of the volunteer communications organizations in the county in order to better support the OEM and other agencies during a disaster.

Communication Corps has a representative on the State Citizen Corps Council and they have their own Council at the state level which meets quarterly to discuss about emergency communications issues in Delaware.  The Communication Corps representative